Monday, April 03, 2006

Ecology mention/article

In a recent TCQ, Killingsworth cites Cooper's 1986 "An ecology of writing," published in College English.

"Composition specialists beginning with Mariln Cooper's influential College English essay of 1986, 'An Ecology of Writing,' have explored the idea that all writing connects to an environment in ways that are little understood and require further study" (364).

For what they're worth--

Cooper, Marilyn. "An Ecology of Writing." College English 48 (1086): 364-375.

Killingsworth, M. Jimmie. "From Environmental Rhetoric to Ecocomposition and Ecopoetics: Finding a Place for Professional Communication." Technical Communication Quarterly 14.4 (2005): 359-373.

TCQ articles

This article looks like a part of Johndan's Datacloud:

"Relocating the Value of Work: Technical Communication in a Post-Industrial Age" TCQ 5.3 (1996): 245-70.

Here's one from Selber:

Selber, Stuart A. "Beyond Skill Building: Challenges Facing Technical Communication Teachers in the Computer Age." Technical Communication Quarterly 3.4 (1994): 365-390.