Friday, March 31, 2006

(mostly) literal transcription of our outline

occupational intro.
* symbolic analytic
* our approach
* [map]


why environment?
* not [information] architecture
* not [information] ecology
* [information] environment

information environment (Datacloud)
* "smear" (symbolic multiplicity)
* unsmearing: symbolic/material; psychological/existential; social [perspectives on the information environment]
* ratios [among the perspectives: architecture = s/m + p/e; ecology = s/m + s; environment = s/m + p/e + s]

How we see this taking shape on the ground
Pedagogical, programmatic
[The major's] environmenal thread: 235, 360, 495
[The major's] rhetorical thread: 201, 490


Rhetorically trained information writer
Is it TC lite?