Monday, April 03, 2006

TCQ articles

This article looks like a part of Johndan's Datacloud:

"Relocating the Value of Work: Technical Communication in a Post-Industrial Age" TCQ 5.3 (1996): 245-70.

Here's one from Selber:

Selber, Stuart A. "Beyond Skill Building: Challenges Facing Technical Communication Teachers in the Computer Age." Technical Communication Quarterly 3.4 (1994): 365-390.


Blogger jeremiah said...

Yep--excellent--I thought so. These may not be worth discussing at length, but they can certainly appear in our first little overture acknowledging the importance of symbolic-analytic work to TCQers.

To this list, I'll add Selber (2004), too--specifically, the "rhetorical literacy" chapter in Multiliteracies for a Digital Age. Same basic argument, more recent date.

And, of course, there's Johnson-Eilola (2005).

'04 and '05 cites show development and currency, right?

1:21 PM  

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